Pets of the Week – December 9, 2013 (Boo Boo and Jax)

Boo Boo

Just like the diminutive brown cartoon character he’s named after this Boo Boo is teddy bear adorable. He’s a Chow/Corgi mix and around five-years-young. Having spent time tethered to a chain with little social interaction, he learned to be independent and to keep himself entertained. When he is offered freedom to run and play in the yard he makes the most of it.

Watch Video of 12/3 County Council Meeting

If you were not able to attend the 12/3 County Council meeting to see the presentation made by an HSOG volunteer addressing the need for animal welfare reform in Greenwood, watch the video below. If you have trouble viewing the video, you can also watch it here. Thank you to everyone who attended showing support and to County Council for allowing us the opportunity to address the needs and recommend possible solutions.