Pets of the Week – May 27, 2013 (Hoops and Nora)


Like most introverts, Nora enjoys time alone. She’s fine with other cats, but because she’s naturally independent, she leaves socializing to them. From her cat bed she observes the antics and habits of her feline roommates and probably rolls her eyes at them now and again. Nora has an “only child” personality and wants total autonomy of the decision-making,

Pets of the Week – May 20, 2013 (Ruger and Sassy)


Just like the firearms manufacturer he’s named for, our “Ruger” is also rugged and reliable. His irresistible Retriever good looks, golden red coat, and matching amber eyes will captivate you. He loves to fetch, is highly trainable — he has learned to lie down and roll over– and has the reputation of being the cleanest dog in the Adoption Center!

Pets of the Week – April 29, 2013 (Patches)

“Patches” is an understatement of a name for her; her glorious tortoise shell-tabby (Torbie) markings are etched in orange, black and white so vivid even the latter seems to glow; but her keenly defined markings is where her edges end, inside she’s a dreamy watercolor-cat, a two year old girl suffused with tranquil sweetness you’ll feel the moment you hold her.

Pets of the Week – April 22, 2013 (Buddy and Tarzan)

The most eloquent testimony to his gentleness comes from Buddy’s own boyish mouth; it’s in the delicate way he takes a treat from your fingers — more a soft caress than a nibble, consciously considerate beyond his year-and-a-half youthfulness, all his exuberance carefully contained until he “sits” or “lies down” for you successfully. Buddy was found stray,