Pet of the Week January 7, 2013 (Cindy)

She’s a tortoise shell cat extraordinaire, spun of silky gold and soft onyx, with a 24-carat heart that never stops showing how “into you” she really is. Five-year-old Cindy’s a pure extrovert — attentive, outgoing, fun-loving, and the finest of friend-makers; she’ll hop on your shoulder to snuggle and visit, and then shine her sparkling social spirit on other pets too.

Thank You for an Outstanding Year

Talk about putting an exclamation point at the end of the year! Thank you for all that you did to help make 2012 the most successful year yet for Greenwood’s homeless pets.

This year, because of you, we pushed beyond “what is” and enjoyed “what could be.” Former homeless pets,

Pets of the Week – December 24, 2012 (Frodo and Lace)

He’s a soon-to-be-polished black diamond in the rough — Camp Chinquapin bound and armed with a superlatively cooperative spirit, a friend-winning outlook and the determination to improve his already high marks in house-training. At less than two years old, our shining Lab mix Frodo will school you in all things considerate; he adores kids, walking proudly by your side on a leash,